Messiah: anthology curated by Liliana Colanzi
Traviesa's second literary anthology, Messiah, features four tales about the power and enthralling charisma of messianic leaders. These short stories offer four unique glimpses into contemporary Latin American fiction. Curated by Liliana Colanzi, Messiah includes stories by Álvaro Bisama (Chile), Luciano Lamberti (Argentina), Giovanna Rivero (Bolivia) and Carlos Yushimito (Peru).

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Curation and Prologue:
Liliana Colanzi (Bolivia)

Excerpts from stories included:

Álvaro Bisama (Chile) - Black Sand __ Trans. by Robin Myers
Luciano Lamberti (Argentina) - How I Met the Sefraditas__ Trans. by Newman and Fuentes
Giovanna Rivero (Bolivia) - The Stone and the Flute __ Trans. by Lisa Carter
Carlos Yushimito (Perú) - Tattooed __ Trans. by Janet Hendrickson

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"The stories of Bisama, Lamberti, Rivero, and Yushimito are indicative of the historical moment in which we live. It’s as if the failure of neoliberalism has not only given rise to the resurgence of populist politics, but as if populism’s fascination with charismatic messianic figures has led to its being inextricably tied with the revival of religion on the continent. The texts in this anthology are a reflection of that revival, but also a reinvention: unlike other periods—say that of Guimarães Rosa, García Márquez, and Vargas Llosa—religion in literature today appears mostly in popular fiction. Science fiction, the fantastical, and the thriller are present in one form or another in these authors’ work. These stories not only inform us of how the religious is read today in Latin America; they also tell us that newer generations of writers have a more fluid relationship with supposedly “minor” genres."

(From Liliana Colanzi's Prologue)